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SafeguardingThe Diocese of Shrewsbury is committed to safeguarding and follows the guidance and principles of the Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Services (CSAS). The Safeguarding Officer for this parish is Mrs Fran Pridham. She can be contacted through the parish office on 0161 973 1694 or by email to office@sthughandstjohntimperley.co.uk If you wish to report something or have a concern that you would like followed up, please speak either to the Safeguarding officer or to the Parish Priest. If neither is available, the Diocesan Safeguarding team can be contacted as follows: Diocesan Safeguarding Office Email cpva@DioceseOfShrewsbury.org or telephone 0151-652-9855 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) Safeguarding Coordinator: Andrew O’Brien Email andrew.obrien@DioceseofShrewsbury.org or telephone 07557731492 (matters requiring confidentiality or out of hours emergency)
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